The Secret To A Pest-Free Home In Tampa

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Types Of Pests That Commonly Invade Tampa Homes

If you have ever owned a home or lived in Tampa, you have likely dealt with some types of pests. Pests are everywhere and they come in all shapes, sizes, and species. Some are more common than others, but they can all cause damage to your property and prevent you from enjoying your home.

Here are some common pests that plague Tampa homes:

  • Ants: Ants are social insects, and a colony is divided into three groups: the queen, workers (also called "drones" in some species), and male ants. Workers are the most numerous ants in a colony, collecting food and defending the nest from predators.
  • Bed Bugs: Bed bugs are small, brown insects that feed on blood. They are often found in mattresses, box springs, and other areas where people sleep. 
  • Cockroaches: Cockroaches are brown, flattened insects that have long, segmented bodies. They can be as small as an apple seed or as long as three inches in length.
  • Fleas: Fleas are small, brown insects that feed on the blood of mammals, including humans.
  • Spiders: Spiders are eight-legged creatures with an average body length ranging from one-eighth to three inches. They can be found indoors or outside, depending on the species.
  • Rodents: Rodents are various small, furry mammals that include mice, rats, and squirrels. They have long tails and pointed snouts.
  • Termites: Termites are small, white insects that feed on wood. They can cause damage to a home's structure by eating away at wooden support beams and other building materials.
  • Wildlife: Wildlife such as raccoons, birds, opossums, and skunks are common pests that can enter a home through an open door or window. They may also try to make their way in through an attic vent or chimney.
  • Silverfish: Silverfish are small, wingless insects often found in dark areas such as basements and attics. They feed on dead wood and paper products such as books and paper bags.
  • Powderpost Beetles: Powderpost beetles are small, brown insects that are often found in wood products such as furniture and floorboards.

pest control advisor from Haskell Termite & Pest Control can help with the identification of different pest infestations. While some types of pests require less maintenance than others when it comes time for treatment, all homeowners should take preventative measures against these unwelcome guests whenever possible.

All The Issues Pest Infestations Can Cause On Your Property

Different kinds of pests can cause different problems when they take up residence in your home.

Property Damage

Many pests can cause all kinds of property damage, including damage to your home's structure, damage to personal belongings, and even structural changes to the landscape outside. Some pests can cause damage by burrowing into wood or other building materials. They may also eat away at wiring and other electronics inside your home. This can lead to a fire hazard if left unchecked because an electrical short could start a blaze in any number of places in your home and on your property. 

As an example, termites can cause extensive damage to your home's structure when left untreated, while rodents and wildlife can chew through wires and other building materials in order to make a nest for themselves. 

Damage to personal items in your home can also be caused by pests, especially if there is a large infestation. These critters can chew through clothing and other household items like furniture, books, and drapes to make their nests or forage for food. They may also contaminate your belongings with their droppings or urine, which can cause an unpleasant odor in your home.

Health Issues

Pests can also pose a health risk to you and your family. For example, mice, cockroaches, and ants are known to carry salmonella and other pathogens on their bodies that could make you sick if you come in contact with them. Cockroaches and other insects may leave behind droppings on surfaces like countertops or tables that you use every day. 

Some pests carry fleas, which can spread diseases like typhus or tularemia. Hantavirus is another disease that can be spread by rodents, while mosquitoes and other blood-sucking insects can carry diseases like West Nile Virus. Bird droppings on your property could also cause health problems if they're not cleaned up regularly. Pests can cause allergic reactions in some people, and they can also make asthma symptoms worse.

If you have an issue with pests on your property, be sure to take it seriously. Whether you need help getting rid of them or want to learn more about how to prevent them from coming back again, we're here for you. Haskell Termite & Pest Control is your source for local pest control.

Six Simple And Effective Pest Prevention Tips For Your Home

Keeping your property clean and organized is one of the most important things you can do to prevent pests from invading. Pests love places where food, water, and shelter are easily accessible. If they find a place that offers those three things in large quantities, they're going to move in.

To keep pests away from your home:

  1. Keep food and garbage sealed away. Keep food sealed away in airtight containers and dispose of garbage regularly. Many pests are looking for food sources when they enter your home.

  2. Clean up after yourself and your pets. This includes cleaning up clutter, food spills, and any pet waste in your yard and around the house. Clean and tidy homes are less likely to attract pests.

  3. Seal all cracks and openings in your home. This includes sealing gaps in windows, doors, pipes, and vents using caulking or foam insulation to prevent pests from entering your home through these openings. Even the smallest opening can serve as an entry point for pests.

  4. Reduce moisture in and around your home. This includes keeping gutters clean, fixing leaks in your plumbing, and making sure the soil around your home drains properly. Moisture is a breeding ground for pests and can lead to mold and mildew.

  5. Keep your yard and home well-maintained. This includes keeping your yard free from debris, fallen trees, and other natural hazards that can attract pests. Pests will use all of these for shelter. 

  6. Remove vegetation from around your home. This includes trimming hedges and keeping trees, bushes, and vines at least 3 feet away from your home to prevent pests from nesting in these areas. The closer pests nest to your home, the more likely they will be to find their way inside.

Pest control is a serious business. It's not something that you can put off until the next day or until you have more time. If you have pests in your home, they need to be eradicated as soon as possible.

The Benefits Of On-Going Pest Control For Your Tampa Home

If you want to keep pests out of your Tampa home, there are many ways to do so. The key is to think about the problem from all angles and take a proactive approach. Ongoing pest control is a service that many homeowners find to be both helpful and necessary. Whether you have a major pest infestation or just want to make sure there are no unwanted guests in your home, it's essential to know that professional pest control is available in Tampa. To prevent pests from destroying your home, it's important that you work with a company that provides quality service like Haskell Termite & Pest Control. We offer the best pest control services possible.

There are several benefits to getting ongoing dependable pest control for your home and property from Haskell Termite & Pest Control. One of them is improved home value. Pests can cause structural damage to your home and make it less valuable. A professional pest control service will help to avoid expensive repairs, which may be necessary if pests are not removed from your home before damage occurs.

You can also benefit by having reduced stress and worry about pests. A pest infestation can be a frustrating and nerve-wracking experience. Keeping pests out of your home can help you to relax and enjoy your home more fully.

Ongoing professional home pest control services can reduce the risk of potential health problems. Many pests carry diseases and cause allergic reactions that can be very serious. The longer you wait to have a professional pest control service take care of your home, the more likely it is that you will be exposed to these health risks. If you are concerned about the presence of pests in your home, it's important to contact a licensed and insured pest control company right away.