How Bad Is It To Have Silverfish In My House In Tampa?


Bright sunshine, blue skies, and a waterfront that sparkles like diamonds describe Tampa, Florida. It has the weather conditions that invite all to come, relax, and bask in the warm and humid conditions. While those warm and humid conditions bring in visitors from all over the world, it also brings in "other-worldly" looking pests called silverfish to homes in the area. Since warmth and moisture are abundant in this southern state, pest control in Tampa is vital.

What Are Silverfish?

Silverfish in Tampa are insects that enjoy high humidity environments with temperatures ranging between 72 to 81 degrees. Basements, attics, and bathrooms are their favorite places to live inside a home. They get their name honestly because their bodies resemble the scales of a fish.

Five other silverfish facts that distinguish these insects from others include:

  1. Their body is usually pearl-gray or silver.

  2. They have a broad head that tapers at the end (a teardrop shape), where you will find three appendages with bristles.

  3. Their bodies measure around ½ to ¾ inches in length and have a covering of shiny "scales."

  4. They are generally active at night.

  5. They have thread-like antennae and six legs.

Once you identify this creepy-looking insect, it is best to call professionals to remove them. Because silverfish commonly work in the dark, finding them can be difficult, but pest professionals know just how to handle silverfish infestations.

Are Silverfish Dangerous?

Silverfish are not dangerous. While their appearance may frighten you, they are not a threat to people. They are not poisonous, do not spread disease, and do not bite, but they can contaminate surfaces used for food preparation and foods they contact. While silverfish may not be dangerous to your person, they can cause damage to things made of starch; wood and paper are their primary food source.

Twelve "silverfish foods" include the following:

  1. Glazed paper

  2. Sugars

  3. Linens

  4. Glue on carpets, wallpaper, and book bindings

  5. Silk

  6. Cotton

  7. Cellulose

  8. Cereals

  9. Vegetables

  10. Dead insects

  11. Dried meat

  12. Other silverfish

Homeowners are often alerted to silverfish when they see damages ("etchings") on surfaces. They may also see holes and notches, yellow stains, scales, and even tiny black pellets (silverfish poop that resembles pepper). At the first sign of silverfish damage or silverfish poop, homeowners should reach out to Haskell Termite & Pest Control to prevent future silverfish damage.

Four Easy And Effective Silverfish Prevention Tips

Homeowners are not without recourse when it comes to silverfish infestations. Some simple adjustments around the home can help reduce the probability of silverfish.

Four easy steps that are effective against silverfish include the following:

  1. Reduce humid environments and get rid of paper products in damp and cool areas

  2. Vacuum regularly

  3. Seal cracks, crevices, and holes around the perimeter of your home

  4. Remove any standing water areas inside/outside your home

You may do everything you can to get rid of silverfish from your Tampa home only to find out you are fighting a losing battle. The best way to get rid of silverfish is to get help from pest control experts.

How To Get Rid Of Silverfish In Your Tampa Home Fast!

Haskell Termite & Pest Control has been serving the greater Tampa Bay area since 1992 and is the best way to get rid of silverfish. Our staff has a combined 100 years of experience in the pest removing business. We use the most up-to-date pest removal solutions and stand behind our service and products; we offer a 100% guarantee for both. Call Haskell Termite & Pest Control today for a free estimate. Let us start working for you.