How To Keep Stinging Insects Away From Your Yard This Summer

stinging insect

There are not many things to complain about when living in Tampa. There is plenty of sunshine year-round, and it is full of friendly people. However, one aspect of Tampa that is not as great is the abundance of invasive pests that cause problems on properties throughout the city.

Stinging insects are particularly troublesome and intimidating to deal with when they infest your home or property.

Three Ways Stinging Insects Ruin Backyard Fun

Nobody wants any type of insect or pest to invade their property; insects and other types of pests carry bacteria, spread disease, and can cause direct physical harm. Stinging insects, such as scorpions, hornets, and wasps, can quickly cause people to avoid the backyard when they invade due to the painful stings they inflict.

The three most common ways that stinging insects ruin backyard fun are:

  1. The pain that comes with the bites or stings that they cause.
  2. The potential for serious side effects from a sting or bite; many stinging insects are venomous.
  3. The growth of an insect colony; when stinging insects infest, they often build nests on properties and can turn a small pest problem into a full-blown infestation.

For more information on how to safeguard your property against the threat of stinging insects, feel free to reach out to the experts at Haskell Pest & Termite Control.

Things You Can Do To Avoid Stinging Insects

Although professional pest control services are required to eliminate an infestation of stinging insects, there are practical ways for homeowners to reduce the chance of these pests targeting their homes in the first place. These pests are both frightening and can be potentially dangerous, so it is important to take stinging insect prevention seriously to protect you and your family.

Practical ways for homeowners to make their home a less appealing target for stinging insects include:

  • Regularly inspect and repair any holes or cracks in your home that could serve as entry points for pests.
  • Practice general pest prevention, stinging insects often feed on other insects, and an untreated insect problem on your property could attract other pests as a food source.
  • Empty or tightly cover any sources of standing water that could attract stinging insects like mosquitoes into your yard. Things like garbage bins, swimming pools, and other yard fixtures are common sources of standing water.

You should take signs of stinging insect activity seriously. A stinging insect infestation in your home or on your property can quickly turn into a serious problem. Feel free to reach out to the experts at Haskell Termite & Pest Control for more information on how to keep your property safe from these pests.

Stinging Insect Prevention Tips That Do Not Work

Although there are simple ways for homeowners to help reduce the chance of an infestation occurring on their property, it is vital to be aware of what does not work as well. Many products advertised as pest repellants are ineffective or poorly tested and provide no long-term benefit. It is essential to stick with proven and trusted pest prevention products and services.

When It Is Time To Consider Professional Stinging Insect Control

Professional pest control is the only long-term solution for an infestation of stinging insects. If you are dealing with a stinging insect problem, Hasell Termite & Pest Control is here to help keep you and your family safe from these dangerous pests.

Haskell Termite & Pest Control, a local Tampa pest control specialist, has been serving communities across the area since 1992 by keeping homes and businesses safe and pest free. Our team of certified and highly trained pest technicians has experience preventing and eliminating stinging insect infestations of all kinds.

Don’t wait for your problem to get out of control. Call us today to keep your property safe. We will work with you to create a customized home pest control plan for your specific situation. We offer free estimates on our services and provide flexible scheduling options for all of our clients.