The Most Effective Rodent Control For Tampa Homes

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Types Of Rodents Common To The Area

Our region is home to several types of rodents that can cause problems for homeowners. We have outdoor rodents, occasional invaders, and common indoor rodents. We're going to focus on the rodents that tend to make pests of themselves by entering homes. The three most common types of house rodents in Tampa are rats, mice, and squirrels.

Mice: We have many different types of mice in Tampa, but the most problematic for homeowners is the house mouse. These small rodents prefer to live near or inside man-made structures and their dusty gray fur and cream-colored underbellies make them easy to identify—if you are fortunate enough to see one. Unfortunately, they're not easy to detect. House mice are nocturnal animals. They'll come out of your walls at night while you're sleeping. When they do this, they often continue to stay hidden behind kitchen counters and other structures that protect them. Have you heard the phrase, quiet as a mouse? These little critters live up to this. They can grow a large population inside a home without making any noises that are detectable to humans. Watch your dog or cat to catch a warning sign that you have mice.

Rats: Tampa is home to both Norway rats and black rats (also known as roof rats). Norway rats are ground rodents that are likely to enter homes through entry points near ground level and create ground burrows in yards. These brown rats can live indoors, but typically they go in and out of structures. Black rats, on the other hand, are tree climbers and will invade attics to create aerial nests. The worst of the two is often roof rats. They take to living indoors and can grow a large population in an attic space or within the walls of a home. You can significantly deter roof rats by cutting tree branches that hang over your roofline and by applying guards to any pipes that run up the sides of your home.

Squirrels: If you don't want rodents in your attic, you should take care when it comes to these furry-tailed rodents. While squirrels are typically backyard rodents, they can occasionally invade attics. It's important to note that, unlike rats and mice, squirrels are not a major threat to human health. But they can make a mess of your attic space and damage your screens and soffits. If you feed the squirrels, it is best to keep food sources well away from your exterior walls so you don't encourage them to do something they shouldn't. 

It's essential to consider the dangers associated with rodents and the costs involved in professional rodent control. If you suspect that rodents are infesting your Tampa home, it's best to call in the experts to assess the situation and provide effective solutions. The Haskell Termite & Pest Control team is here to help.

Our region is home to several types of rodents that can cause problems for homeowners. We have outdoor rodents, occasional invaders, and common indoor rodents. We're going to focus on the rodents that tend to make pests of themselves by entering homes. The three most common types of house rodents in Tampa are rats, mice, and squirrels.

Rats, Mice And Other Rodents Can Be Very Dangerous

We often get calls when mice or rats make noises in walls or when rodents are bumping around in attic spaces. They are sometimes annoying. But we wouldn't recommend waiting for these critters to annoy you. Rats, mice, and other rodents are not just a nuisance. They are considered a health risk and are able to make you sick. These pests are known to carry and spread various diseases. Hantavirusis a potentially life-threatening virus carried by specific species of mice and rats. It is transmitted through contact with rodents' droppings, urine, or saliva. Salmonella is a bacteria commonly found in rodent feces, and humans can contract an infection through contaminated food or water. Symptoms include diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps. Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection caused by exposure to urine from infected rodents. The symptoms of leptospirosis are often mistaken for the flu or the common cold. Severe symptoms, such as kidney damage, may occur. Rat-bite fever is a bacterial infection spread by a bite or a scratch from a rodent infected with this disease or by contact with rodent saliva or urine. Symptoms include fever, rash, and joint pain.

In addition to these diseases, rodents can also damage your home by gnawing on electrical wiring, insulation, and other building materials. When rodents chew on wires, it can lead to fire hazards and costly repairs. If you find evidence of an infestation, taking action right away is crucial to protect your family's health and property.

How To Identify And Remove Factors That Attract Rodents

Identifying and removing factors that attract rodents is an important step in preventing rodent infestations in your Tampa home. The information below can also help you drive rodents out of your home and keep them out. Here's what you need to know. 

Keep food sealed: Rodents are attracted to food sources, so keeping your pantry and kitchen clean and organized is critical. Keep certain foods stored in airtight containers and clean up spills and crumbs immediately. There are several benefits to doing this. You'll keep rodents out of your food, seal the scent of food inside the containers, and stunt the population growth of rodents in your home.

Seal entry points: Rodents invade your home through even the smallest openings, so it's essential to seal cracks or gaps in your walls, floors, and foundation. You can use caulk, steel wool, or expanding foam to fill gaps and cracks. The benefits to doing this are that you'll deter rodents from continuing to enter your home, make it more difficult for rodents to get from room to room, and help catch rodent activity by detecting the holes they make.

Keep your yard clean: Rodents are attracted to cluttered and overgrown yards, so keeping your yard clean and well-maintained is helpful. Trim back overgrown vegetation, remove debris, and keep your trash in sealed bins. Doing this will reduce rodent activity near your home and reduce the number of rodents attempting to enter. It will remove hiding places and also make it difficult for mice and rats to get around because they use ground objects to help them navigate.

Remove outdoor food sources: If you have outdoor pets, make sure to pick up their food and water bowls after each feeding. Also, avoid feeding birds as spilled birdseed can attract rodents. Keep your trash covered and regularly remove your trash from your property to reduce odors that attract rats and mice. 

Regularly clean your home: Regular cleaning can help prevent rodent infestations by removing any potential food sources or nesting materials. Vacuum and dust regularly and wash your dishes promptly after meals.

Work with a professional: If you're experiencing a rodent infestation, it's best to work with a professional pest control company that can identify the source of the problem and provide effective solutions.

By identifying and removing factors that attract rodents, you can reduce the likelihood of rodent infestations in your Tampa home. Keep in mind, prevention is your best defense against pests.

Total Rodent Control For Homes In Tampa

If you suspect a rodent infestation in your home, it's important to act quickly. The longer you wait, the worse the problem can become. The most effective rodent control for Tampa homes involves a comprehensive approach that includes exclusion, trapping, and baiting. A pest control service provider can inspect your home, identify the type of rodent you are dealing with, and recommend the best course of action. We can also help prevent future infestations by sealing entry points and providing ongoing maintenance.

Are you in Tampa? Contact Haskell Termite & Pest Control for assistance. We offer effective rodent control as well as wildlife control and management services. We go above and beyond by offering sanitation services and attic restorations, which include replacing soiled and damaged attic insulation. On top of these services, we inspect your home for rodent entry points and apply professional-grade materials to keep rodents out. 

Effective rodent control is essential for homeowners in Tampa. By understanding the types of rodents common to the area, the dangers they pose, and how to identify and remove factors that attract them, you can take the necessary steps to protect your home and family. Total rodent control involves a comprehensive approach and science-based solutions. Contact Haskell Termite & Pest Control for the most effective rodent control for your Tampa home.