The Trick To Getting Rid Of Mice In Your Tampa Home For Good!

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How To Identify A Mouse Infestation In Your Home

The signs of a rodent infestation aren’t always obvious, especially since these critters tend to be more active at night, but some of the signs of a mouse infestation include: 

  • Droppings: This may be the most likely indicator of an infestation. Mouse droppings are dark pellets around the size of a grain of rice. You may find them in pantries, cupboards, or other secluded spots. 
  • Odd scratching noises: Mice may hide in your walls or ceiling, which can lead to odd scratching noises during the night when they move around. 
  • Foul odors: Mice are unsanitary, so if you’ve got an infestation, you’re likely to smell them. These rodents tend to emit a pungent, musky smell and might be potent in areas with higher activity. 
  • Mouse nests: Mice need nests to raise their young and often build them out of random materials or scraps they find around your home. You may find these nests in storage areas, attics, or other secluded spots. 
  • Mouse tracks and runways: Mice like to frequent certain areas and routes of your home, and after a while, they can leave smudge marks behind on your walls and baseboards. You may also find mouse tracks, which can be tiny imprints of their dirty feet.

If you notice these or other signs of a mouse infestation, it is essential to take action quickly for the following reasons.

 Why Mouse Infestations Can Be So Dangerous

What makes a mouse problem so dangerous? What diseases do mice carry? Here’s why you’ll want these rodents out of your home as soon as possible: 

  • Mice can spread diseases through their urine and waste, such as hantavirus, lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCMV), and salmonella.
  • Other parasites, like fleas, ticks, and mites, may infest mice before they come into your home and then spread to your family and pets in turn.
  • Mice can chew through building materials, including insulation and wiring, or cause other property damage when looking for hiding places or building nests.

Added to these factors, mice reproduce at an alarming rate, so the longer it takes to respond to mice in your home, the more problematic each of these factors becomes.

Why Mouse Traps Aren’t Enough To Get Rid Of Mice Completely

When they think of mouse control, many homeowners immediately think of mouse traps. As effective as these gadgets may seem, traps rarely do a good job at getting rid of mice. A mouse trap might be able to fool one or two mice, but most homeowners fail to use as many traps as they actually need.

Traps also need to be placed in the correct place. If you place a trap in an area where the mice in your home don’t frequent, you’re unlikely to catch anything. And, as clever as rodents are, mice may just start avoiding the areas where they know the traps are being placed.

Unfortunately, traps aren’t an effective solution for a mouse infestation, nor are other DIY solutions like mothballs, peppermint, and ultrasonic rodent repellers. These tricks may keep mice away temporarily, but they won’t be able to completely get rid of them or address how mice are getting into your home in the first place.

 How To Completely Get Rid Of Mice In Your Home

Mouse traps may not be able to get the job done, but that doesn’t mean all hope is lost when it comes to combating your house mouse infestation. There is one effective solution to get rid of mice in Tampa, and that’s by working with us at Haskell Termite & Pest Control. With years of experience, we’re a tight-knit company with the resources to get rid of rodents in your home permanently.

If you’ve been hearing scratching in the walls, smelling odd odors, finding droppings, nests, or even seeing other signs of a pest infestation, you likely have mice or another rodent problem. There’s one sure way to get rid of these critters permanently – contact us today at Haskell Termite & Pest Control for a free estimate or to learn more about our rodent control services.