Tampa Homeowners' Complete Guide To Effective Bed Bug Control

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Bed bug pest control in Tampa can seem confusing. These insects tend to be difficult to understand. It is possible that, right now, you're wondering if you have bed bugs in your Tampa home. You're getting bitten by something but you can't find what's biting you. You think you know where bed bugs hide, but you don't see any in your mattress or box spring.

This can be very frustrating. We hope to remove some of that frustration today. Take a look at this quick guide to bed bug control in Tampa and learn how you can get control of these elusive pests.

Clear Signs Of Bed Bugs In Your Home

First, let's talk about how to check for bed bugs. Do bed bugs live in beds? Yes. But, they don't only live in beds. They can be found in many places within a home. It is also important to understand that bed bugs can be in your bed and you may still not see them when you tear everything apart. You need to know where bed bugs hide inside your bed, if you hope to find them.

When you search your home for bed bugs, you need to be on the lookout for black feces. These are a telltale sign that bed bugs are around. Here are a few places to look:

  • Upholstered furniture
  • Gaps in wood furniture
  • Electronics
  • Bags and luggage
  • Baseboards
  • Outlet covers
  • Carpet edges
  • Crown molding

When you search your bed, you need to examine every crack, gap, and seam. While it is possible to find bed bugs grouped between your mattress and box spring, it is more likely that they'll be hiding in places like these:

  • In the seams of your mattress or box spring
  • Under mattress or box spring tags
  • In the frame of the box spring
  • Inside your mattress (if there are rips or tears)

When you search for bed bugs, be sure to have a vacuum nearby. It is possible to catch bed bugs during the day and suck them all up. Be sure to dispose of the bag outside. Unfortunately, they can be found in more than one spot. If this is the case, there are a few things you should know.

First, let's talk about how to check for bed bugs. Do bed bugs live in beds? Yes. But, they don't only live in beds. They can be found in many places within a home. It is also important to understand that bed bugs can be in your bed and you may still not see them when you tear everything apart. You need to know where bed bugs hide inside your bed, if you hope to find them.

When you search your home for bed bugs, you need to be on the lookout for black feces. These are a telltale sign that bed bugs are around. Here are a few places to look:

  • Upholstered furniture
  • Gaps in wood furniture
  • Electronics
  • Bags and luggage
  • Baseboards
  • Outlet covers
  • Carpet edges
  • Crown molding

When you search your bed, you need to examine every crack, gap, and seam. While it is possible to find bed bugs grouped between your mattress and box spring, it is more likely that they'll be hiding in places like these:

  • In the seams of your mattress or box spring
  • Under mattress or box spring tags
  • In the frame of the box spring
  • Inside your mattress (if there are rips or tears)

When you search for bed bugs, be sure to have a vacuum nearby. It is possible to catch bed bugs during the day and suck them all up. Be sure to dispose of the bag outside. Unfortunately, they can be found in more than one spot. If this is the case, there are a few things you should know.

The Problems A Bed Bug Infestation Can Cause In Your Home

It goes without saying that bed bugs bite. These bites can be mild or severe, depending on many factors. But their bites aren't the worst problem. When residents in Tampa find bed bugs, they may try to get rid of them with a wide variety of methods and products that don't work. This leads to ongoing misery and prolonged frustration.

If you attempt to control bed bugs on your own, this can create problems, such as:

  • Prolonged exposure bites can lead to anemia.
  • Friends or family can find out that you have bed bugs and stop coming over.
  • If you have kids, they can have issues at school because other kids find out they have bed bugs.
  • You can waste money on products that don't work.
  • You might bring bed bugs to work and have hassles with your employer.

You can avoid problems by having a trained individual handle your bed bug problem when bed bugs are not found in one isolated spot. This is the most effective way to deal with bed bugs.

Why You Should Call The Pros About Bed Bugs In Your Home

If you know how to check for bed bugs, and how to clean bed bugs up, and you apply the tips given above, you may be all set. If you also learn how to prevent bugs, such as putting items in a 30-minute dryer cycle or sealing items in a plastic bag and putting them in the freezer for four days, you may not need to contact local pest control for bed bugs.

The issue is when bed bugs are in more than one location or when they've gotten into your home. In these places, they're hard to find and remove. It isn't enough to know how to prevent bed bugs and to be vigilant about doing routine inspections and treating items. Sometimes bed bugs require a treatment that can only be performed by a pest professional.

If you need local pest control for bed bugs in Tampa, reach out to Haskell Termite & Pest Control. Licensed professionals know how to find these bugs in the places they hide, how to clean bed bugs up in infested areas, and most importantly, how to make sure there are no more bed bugs in your home. There is no better way to deal with these bugs. Connect with us here at Haskell Termite & Pest Control today for assistance.