Tampa's Complete Guide To Subterranean Termite Prevention

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The Life Cycle Of Subterranean Termites

Subterranean termites form large colonies, much bigger than drywood termites. The only reproductive termites are the king and the queen, who can live for a quarter of a century.

Queens can lay thousands of eggs in a year that incubate over a two-week period. Nymphs are fed by the colony for two weeks until they molt and become the type of termite the colony needs.

Termites can develop into spare reproductives (also called swarmers), soldiers (who protect the colony from ants and other predators), and workers (the major force of wood destruction in the colony).

New colonies may bud off of the original colony and infest other areas of the house or even other nearby homes. While a mature colony can be around 60,000 members, this is considered relatively small as far as subterranean termites go. The more active termites you have, the more offshoots, which means more workers eating through the wood and providing food for their fellow colony members. This damage can become exponential.

How Much Damage Termites Can Really Do To Your Home

Subterranean termite damage on your Tampa property can vary in severity depending on how healthy your wood was before the infestation and how long the colony has been there. For the most part, termites don't "destroy" homes unless the homes were abandoned and neglected for many years. However, on average, American families spend around $3,000 dollars per year on termite damage, rounding out to around 5 billion dollars worth of damage per year in the United States.

While colonies of subterranean termites have been known to exist without any connection to the soil, for the most part, they stay near the soil, infesting wood siding, decks, door and window frames, and patio furniture. Damage to exterior wood can manifest in soft, hollow-sounding wood, darkening, blistering wood, and bubbling paint.

Natural Ways To Make Your Home Less Attractive To Termites

If you're on a budget, the best way to get rid of termites is to make your home unappealing to these cellulose-seeking pests. There are a few ways to fortify your home against termites through maintenance and prevention. To keep termites away, try these tips:

  • Paint or seal exposed wood.
  • Keep at least 8 inches of distance between wood siding and the soil.
  • Maintain proper moisture levels in your soil.
  • Repair any cause of excess moisture, including leaking pipes and landscaping issues that allow water to collect.
  • Don't bury wood mulch in the yard, and get rid of rotting tree stumps or fence posts nearby.
  • Ventilate moist areas of the home's interior, including basements and crawlspaces.
  • Replace water-damaged wood and maintain exposed wood to prevent water damage.

A good thing to keep in mind with this species is moisture reduction. Studies have shown that the number of active termites in a colony is dependent on the soil type and moisture level. Soggy, overly-moist soil is a great way to help your resident termites thrive and reproduce at record levels.

The Preventative Benefits Of Professional Termite Control

Prevention should be the go-to method for termite control, not just because these pests can go unnoticed for many years but because they can become a problem for your neighbors if left alone. Thankfully, professional termite control is both extermination and prevention for a termite problem.

The best way to get rid of termites is with Haskell Termite & Pest Control. We use the most trusted name in termite control, Termidor HE to cut treatment time and lengthen the performance of the treatment for years to come.

With Haskell Termite & Pest Control, our free termite inspection can give you the information you need to make an informed choice about termite treatment, risk factors, and a timeframe for total termite elimination. With this method of pest elimination, the termites do the exterminating for you by bringing the poison straight to the colony, creating a preventative barrier around your home for any curious termites. Call Haskell Termite & Pest Control to request your free inspection and get started with preventative, fast-acting termite treatment today.